Compassionate, Contemplative and Intuition Listener course - spiritual [wholistic] life coaching (customised to each participants' existing gifts and skills)
This course can be done through Skype for most individual sessions, but face-to-face for groups.
• 8-day personally guided retreat – to discern if they are called to begin this course.
• 22 sessions of Spiritual Life-Coaching (with a stay-in retreat for the final 10 days).
• Learn and practice the gifts of presence, and compassion and contemplative listening – include listening in pairs and in trios.
• Share the gifts of silent contemplation, visualization/imagination, journaling (in words or visually) and Gratitude, with individuals as well as in groups.
• Practice listening for two weekend retreats and as well as individual sessions under the trainer’s supervision.
💗Most importantly, we believe in enhancing and empowering each person's existing talents and gifts, to "train" each person to "listen" as you are. For example, one of my trainee, Angela who is training to listen via visual graphics
Please contact us at RunWaters@ to find out more.
Please register latest 4 weeks before the above programmes. Minimum 10 pax, otherwise the retreat will be cancelled.
30 Day Retreat - Inter-Spiritual Exercises &
Personally Guided Sabbatical (2018 now open for enquiry)
Testimonies for the Inter-Spiritual Exercises:
Through 35-days of both online and residential retreat, Elizabeth went from a space of hurt, fragmentation of Self who left her family home, former work, and even the country she was born in TO BE-coming a healed, whole person. A beautiful woman who knows who she is, who knows God's LOVE, an empowered, strong woman who now brings Love & Light to others as well.
"Having lived life for 45 years,
peeling layers of onions is on-going. Though peeling of each layer brought about grieving with tears and dying to self, each time I die, I find more space being created within me, to fully own and claim every part of me till now - loving myself unconditionally in love & grace of God. Deep gratitude as I grief and die. Deeper and deeper as I enter. I am both excited as well as nervous. I'm grateful for Nita Neshama for teaching me so much and journeying with me in my spiritual formation, integrating fully every part of me as God unfolds what lies beneath and within and holding me in love. I literally feel a new shift in my whole being.

Bonnie Wong, Hong Kong
Experience of loneliness
Experience of loneliness
- The experience of 2 weeks stay-in silent retreat was totally different from the retreat in daily life before the stay-in one, in terms of the experience of loneliness, as well as the anxiety brought by the “too-much” time to be spent with God alone and having nothing to do. Looking back, such loneliness (or solitude) is a must to clear all the obstacles in my heart in order to create a sacred place for meeting with God.
- I was more open and my senses were sharper when I was forced to be alone; I can see more carefully, listen more closely, feel more deeply towards myself, the Divine and the outside world.
Loving feeling
- I was frightened by Jesus’ direct expression of craze and passionate love like young lovers, so full of energy and zest. Through love song and images, I was overwhelmed by and infused in the loving feeling, being loved, adored, appreciated and treasured as if I was His only love. The love burnt through days and it eventually turns into a gentle and long lasting flame of love.
- I will never forget Jesus’ craze love for sure but His gentle love would be enough for me to recognize Him through such loving feeling.
Rich Prayer
- Through contemplative prayer on the Gospel, I was led by the Spirit to face my anger towards the Father and those political leaders in connection with all the sufferings and tragedies in the world. The Spirit helps me to see sufferings with a different angle, in particular to understand the Father’s heart more, I was moved by the union of the Trinity and the love between the Father and the Son.
- Through drawing from Ignatius, I was attracted to “becoming a child”, to let God take my hands to explore, to look at the world like a child, to live like a child. Through drawing, I am more ready to “unlearn” and put down my own mindset and framework as I can never understand life “logically”. By the end of retreat, I co-created with the Spirit on a painting named “Dance of the Spirit”, the strokes was like flame, like dance, like movement, like the dress of the spinning Flamingo dancers, so full of life, love and energy.
- The icon of “Jesus My Companion” was inductive to my prayer. It helps me to entering into the sacred space to meet with Jesus. The workshop on Icon Writing helped me to recognize Jesus not by His face but the loving feeling and His radiant light.
After the Retreat
- The experience of the retreat was very rich and some of it was flashed back from time to time. Among them, the feelings and drawings are deeply imprinted in the heart and I do need to review my journal for other inspiration, thinking and fragments.
Mai-San Marie-Goh, France
Before doing this inter spiritual exercises with Nita as my Spiritual Guide, I've been practicing meditation for years and applied some techniques I knew to heal myself. I did not remember why and how I felt still blur and lack of something, therefore I made up my mind to join this 30-day retreat. I did half of the exercises by distance via Skype and the other half in person.
30-days, this was a long journey Every day I found something new about myself, especially some issues which laid deep within me that was muted consciously and unconsciously, even though I practice meditation every day.
Logically we know, our mind tell us that we know, all the “theory” and techniques how to love, value, accept ourself. And we believe we can MAKE it, as is taught in some spirituality teachings. To be frank, in my case I was cheating and lying to myself all the time, until I went for the 30-days silent retreat with Nita. These 30-days were like a treasure hunting adventure. Nita’s guidance helped me “see” through the most significant blockage of my spiritual journey.
In fact, staying silent all day, and without taking out and playing with my phone was a big challenge for me but it was good to do so. Meditation, writing, drawing, walking in the nature were the activities I did. I practiced meditation a lot, especially during half of the inter-spiritual exercises where I had stayed in a wonderful retreat house and able to meditate in a lovely catholic church next door. I thought since I was in a church, the polite way was ask to for the help of Jesus, Saint Anne, Saint Mary or Angels... however, I had also Buddha, Dragon, Ganesh pop up in my meditation... What an amazing insight!
The insight I got may not really help me without Nita's direction. Most of the time, I mis-interpreted the “messages” I receive, for example, I would think that “worrying” which appear during the meditation was NOT good, and systematically I would put it aside or deleted it. Yet, “bad” is somehow a key indicator! I learned non-judgement. That nothing was really “good” nor “bad”. And that it was important to just be aware of what was happening in the present moment.
In Chinese there is a saying “境隨心轉“,it means “when the inner (heart) changes, the world (outside facts) changes”. Right after I finished the retreat, I met some amazing people with whom I talked about spirituality, meditation and experience sharing... These 30 days led me to another stage and I know that I would definitely do it again to see another new me. In this moment, I'm afraid of nothing as I feel the connection with the other realm, the love from the above is a tender but at the same time strong one …
Thank you Nita! With love